Appraiser Professional Development Guidelines

Appraiser Professional Development Guidelines



Welcome to these guidelines on how to use the functionalities of AppRaiser for planning your professional development. Here you will find:
  • Key points behind self-directed learning in the professional development journey
  • How to use the AppRaiser platform to plan your professional development
  • Hints and tips on how to navigate your way through the process

Feel free to check out the guidelines on other functionalities and possibilities of Appraiser and contact the team for further assistance: appraiser@iywt.org.

Atividades para concluir

Complete the following activities, earn badges and you will see your playlist progress updated


When you enter the page of your Development Plan, you will see all the indicators added.
Screenshot of the Personal development plan

To make a plan for them, here are the steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the indicator and the “add step”.
  • Step 2: Give your step a title, description, and the deadline. You can also add an attachment.
  • Step 3: Add more steps to the selected indicator, and make sure the steps are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based). Choose another indicator and repeat the process.

Adding goals without indicators:
  • Step 1: Click on the space “What do you want to learn?” and type anything not covered in the assessment model.
  • Step 2: Add steps to what you want to learn.

Get activity badge

How to create a professional development plan? Get this badge

When you enter the page of your Development Plan, you will see all the indicators added.
Screenshot of the Personal development plan

To make a plan for them, here are the steps:

  • Step 1: Click on the indicator and the “add step”.
  • Step 2: Give your step a title, description, and the deadline. You can also add an attachment.
  • Step 3: Add more steps to the selected indicator, and make sure the steps are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-based). Choose another indicator and repeat the process.

Adding goals without indicators:
  • Step 1: Click on the space “What do you want to learn?” and type anything not covered in the assessment model.
  • Step 2: Add steps to what you want to learn.
Task no.1
Issued by organiser or scanning QR code
Participate in activity


#Integrates feedback and maintains or recovers their own emotional balance afterwards
#Acknowledging and dealing with unexpected learning moments and outcomes
#Uses online resources to extend in-person learning
#Undergoing personal/ professional development through feedback
#Identifying learning objectives and pursuing them pro-actively
#Demonstrates an understanding of learning as a continuous process
#Trains focus on planned learning objectives while remaining open to incorporating unplanned ones
#Identifying and providing appropriate resources to support individual learning
#Refers to existing appropriate resources for supporting learning
#Motivates and supports the implementation of the learning plan
#Reflects on the learning process
#Changes learning processes accordingly
#Organises existing appropriate resources for individual learning purposes
#Organises resources in a structured way for learning purposes
#Shows willingness to learn from others, even those who might hold different values and worldviews
#Understands the values and mechanisms of feedback
#Regularly critically reflects on own values and motivations and how they impact behaviours
#Gives, receives and integrates feedback in a constructive way
Atividades: 8
Iniciado em: 3
Playlist completada em: 0


International Youth Work Trainers Guild
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