How to choose a competence area?

Once you first see the ETS competence model chart, the inevitable question is: Which competence area to start from?
A screenshot of the ETS competence model overview

What might help is to first get an overview of the ETS competence model for trainers. Get familiar with it, and start to understand the language. This first overview will already give you some idea of what your first step could be. Then perhaps some of the following considerations would work for you.
  • Start from a competence area that sounds clear and/or simple to you, to ease your way in.
  • Start from a competence area that is essential or urgent for you, to tackle things in a straightforward way.
  • Start from a competence area that is the most relevant for your work, to make sure you have enough material to reflect on.
  • Start from a competence area that you feel is your greatest strength, to help boost your motivation.
  • Start from a competence area that you have been struggling with the most, to try and understand why.

When you are ready, click on the competence area you have chosen to work on, either in the pie chart or in the relevant competence area box below.
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#Het beoordelen van eigen leerprestaties en competenties
#Demonstrates an understanding of the concept of competence in a learning context
#Applies the concept of competence in a learning context
#Understands how learning can be organised in an effective and meaningful way and diverse learning environments, including online
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